The Greeting card Android App
Design & Development by Nikitha Gullapalli: (Android Developer) with little help from Udacity.
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The Greeting card
A greeting card is a basic android app to get familiarized with android basics such as views, layouts. This project starting page was a suggested project at Udacity- Basic Android developer course. I further improved it a bit so that everyone can future customize the app and send it to their friends and family.
The idea of the App:
We all have special people in our lives. There are special moments spent. Imagine your greeting card having that level of customization. If you can make a card with pictures together and a special message the card becomes double special. This app has a special picture as the background that you can upload from your phone and a special message for the person you can customize.
The Story:
I am currently learning android development. In the process came across some courses in Udacity. The basic level of this app was a project at one of the courses. However, I felt the app was incomplete and needed some level of closure so I future customized it to be able to change the background and be able to send the card as a message.
The Implementation:
An idea has no value until it is implemented. We started off with the right foot by creating a sketch of what we had in our minds. We created a persona of our user as in Fig (1). Creating the persona helped us decide the type of audience we were targeting. We have a background story of where he comes from, what he likes and dislikes, what he likes to do in his free time, etc. Figuring out helped us figure out our users.
User Testing
User test 1: As per User Tester 1 the app background image was selective when uploading a photo from the camera app. Which has been fixed to an extent and we are working on fixing it future.
User test 2: As per User Tester 2 send button was not working and we fixed it.
Break Down of the final piece
Item 1: welcome page
Item 2: When the change background button is clicked the user is taken to photos app where he/she can select a photo for their card background.
Item 3: screen after background photo is selected. Notice that the background of the card is changed.
Item 4: The user can now preview the final card by clicking on the preview button
Item 5: on clicking send, the user is asked on what messaging app they want to use
Item 6: I selected WhatsApp and it is sent as a photo in the app.
This was an overall fun project to work on. I got to learn about layouts, intents user testing, movement and most important all how to document my work. I am continuing to work on the project to increase the level of sophistication.